Tuesday, March 19, 2019

Math Time and Officer Amanda

We have been learning new math games and some students taught others how to play the card game Trash.  Officer Amanda happened to visit today during math and had fun joining some of the games.

Friday, March 15, 2019

Rock, Paper, Scissors and Gold Snap Words

Today the Butterflies had a rock, paper, scissors tournament in our class to find a KB winner.  This student will then go on to play the other kindergarten winners.  There will then be a SMS tournament between the grade level winners.  The SMS Student Council has organized this activity.  Below is a picture of the Butterfly winner.  The students were all great sports and we look forward to cheering on our winner.  

Since St. Patrick's Day is on Sunday we did some unscrambling of letters to make snap words using gold coins. (I was even asked if these were real gold.)  Students worked hard and used their personal word walls to help them.