Wednesday, February 6, 2019

Global Play Day

We had such an AWESOME Global Play Day!!  We went outside this morning for 45 minutes and went on a sunny nature walk through the woods.  

This was my favorite moment of the day.  We got to a very icy smaller hill on the trails and I suggested the kids move to the snowy sides and they all decided to slide down the hill.  

We saw animal tracks.

Unfortunately most of the snow was gone from the warmer days we have had.  The kids still had fun running and found some ice and mud.

There was lots of great teamwork and problem solving.

Our new wall marble maze where so much problem solving happened.

Monday, February 4, 2019

100th Day of School

The Butterflies had a great 100th day of school.  It's hard to believe we have already been in school for 100 days.  We actually ran out of time to do all our activities so we will continue them throughout the week.

We made cool hats with 100 dots on them and necklaces with 100 beads.

We added 100 stickers to our books.

We made necklaces using 10 frames.

We made 100 cup structures.

We did 100 piece puzzles.

We did 100 exercises.